Tecconnect Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Economic Development Lethbridge

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Tecconnect centre for entrepreneurship and innovation is exactly what it sounds like – a vibrant place for entrepreneurs to start and grow their business within a supportive and innovative environment. It’s a space and community that encourages the development of new ideas that transform industries and shape the future. 

Open since 2011, Tecconnect offers training, support and networking opportunities that connect start-ups with customers, influencers and experts. At Tecconnect we are continuously working to bring opportunities to you, and in some cases, connecting you to the interesting opportunities and people outside of the community. 

With a robust network of local, provincial and national industry connections and partnerships with post-secondary institutions and government agencies, we are working towards the common goal of helping you, the entrepreneur, succeed. As a key partner within the Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta (RINSA), we also have a direct link to innovation and business development services, as well as a Technology Development Advisor onsite. 

Please visit our website for more information
